20 Year University Caretaker Launches Website To Assist Would-Be Online Entrepreneurs
Released on = November 15, 2006, 7:04 am
Press Release Author = Success Synergy Systems
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = 40 year old Canadian launches website to help individuals in their quest to find an ideal online business.
Press Release Body =
Columbia, SC November 15, 2006 -- Working as a caretaker for a large Canadian University has been rewarding for Stephen Phillips. But one day, his thoughts of independence led him on a quest to find a way to supplement his income with a part-time career. His research led him to the Internet... the fastest growing force for budding entrepreneurs, as well as a virtual nightmare of confusion in going through the maze of get-rich-quick ideas and concepts.
Says Phillips, \"You can never exceed your financial position working for someone else, this is common knowledge. Over the years I\'ve been looking for opportunities to better myself financially and in this search have tried to help others better themselves as well\".
But he quickly found the Internet to be more of a maze than an easy way to find his niche. \"In my research, I found that the chances on failure in an Internet business was over 91%. I was stunned at those statistics. But in a sense, I was comforted because my searching and attempting to find a career, matched those statistics almost to the letter\", says Phillips. \"I spent what seemed like a lifetime locating an affordable online business.. not to mention putting a dent in my savings in the chase\".
\"My words of wisdom to would-be online business seekers are simple: 1- Realize that there are a lot of roadblocks along the way.. a lot of fancy hype and sales pitches. Don\'t be charmed by emotion... look at the facts and investigate the opportunities you read about. In other words, don\'t pull out your checkbook until you have made a reasonable amount of research in the company you are interested in.
2- It is no such thing as a get-rich-quick business. All businesses require work and commitment. I can\'t tell you the number of times I feel prey to great ad-copy, only to find that the business was a total flop.
3- It is better to have a 10 cents idea with a reasonable budget for advertising versus a 10 cent advertising budget and a reasonably good idea. I found that over 90% of the business opportunities made no mention of the on-going expenses and importance of promoting your online business. Advertising and promotion are more important than spending your life savings on a business alone.... advertising is going to be the lifeblood of your business, so budget for it.
4- Be original. Even if you secure an affiliate business, don\'t rely on the \"cookie-cutter\" techniques they give you. Hundreds, if not thousands of others are using that same approach. If you are individualistic, and sway off the beaten path, your chances of success are actually greater\".
Stephen says that after research, trial and error, he is finally secure with his selection of an online business. He says that he hopes to assist others in their quest for locating a profitable online business with minimal risk.
\"I found a business called Success Synergy Systems, and have been pleased with my results so far. I believe everyone can benefit from this opportunity for a minimal investment. With my work schedule at the University, I don\'t have a lot of time trying to build my business. Success Synergy Systems gave me the option of letting them handle my prospecting and business-building\". Say Stevens, \"It has increased my chances of success because professionals perform the work and I share in the profits\".
\"My ultimate hope is to assist others through the Internet maze by offering my site for their review and investigation. It may prove to be eye-opening, and may surely assist you in your quest in finding something a way to join the ranks of Internet Entrepreneurs\".
About Stephen Phillips Stephen Phillips is a 40 year old family man/online entrepreneur who assists like minded individuals to find and build an internet business. His web site is www.successsynergysystems.com/?2413 , where he provide a free tour of Success Synergy Systems.
Web Site = http://www.successsynergysystems.com/?2413
Contact Details = Stephen Phillips 1221 Victor Street Thunder Bay , P7K 1N6 $$country
1-807-475-3526 stephenjp36@hotmail.com http://www.successsynergysystems.com/?2413
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